Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to deal with Doubt

“Then he (Jesus) said to Peter put your finger here, see my hands. Reach out your hands and put it to my side. Stop doubting and believe.” John 27:25
Doubt is something that many of us struggle with. It leaves us to question what God may be speaking to us or what blessings God may have in our lives. It is a great hindrances to doing God’s will. What are some ways we can combat doubt in our lives?
“Immediately the father of the child cried out I believe help my unbelief!” Mark 9: 24
Ask God to help you to have faith in whatever area of your life you are struggling with doubt. God already knows all of the doubts you are struggling with and he has the power to dispel those doubts. So, turn to him. Ask him to give you a stronger sense of faith and the ability to trust him more.
“This book of the law should not depart from your mouths, but you should meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8
Read the bible daily.  Reading the bible daily will remind you of who God is and what his character is. When we do not take time to get into God’s word our circumstances begin to seem greater than God. However, when we get into the word daily, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness by what God had done for his people in the past and by what the bible says he will do for his people now.
Find scriptures on faith and doubt. Write these scriptures on index cards and place them in places you see every day. Reading these scriptures will remind you not to doubt and help to increase your faith.
Make a daily praise list. Everyday record all of the things God has done for you in the past and everything he has done for those in your life. Record both the big miracles and the small ones. Reviewing this list every day will be a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness. You will start to let go of your doubts as you remind yourself of the things God has done in your life.
“And have mercy on those who doubt.” Jude 1:22

Repent for any doubt. The bible tells us that God does not want him to doubt him. He wants us to have faith. So, repent for any doubts you have and ask him to increase your faith. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why Must I Doubt?

“And truly I say to you why are you troubled and why do you doubt?” Luke 24:28.
Perhaps one of the biggest deterrents of doing the will of God is doubt. The bible is filled with examples of people who doubted the call of God in their lives, and hesitated because of this doubt. There are many things that cause us to doubt. Let’s go to the bible to look at some of the those causes.
We see doubt clearly take hold of Moses in Exodus. When God tells Moses that he is to lead the Israelites out of captivity, Moses begins to doubt that he is capable of doing what God has called him to do. Moses doubts himself. He says, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11. Even after God tells Moses that he will be with him, Moses still doubts his abilities and God’s as well. Moses tells God that the Israelites will not believe him and says that he is not a good enough speaker to do what God is calling him to do.
Another example of doubt can be found in Genesis 18. When an angel tells Abraham that he and Sara will have a son, Sara laughs in disbelief. She does not believe that God is capable of giving her a child in her old age. The angel responds by saying, “Why did Sara laugh... Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Genesis 18:13-14.
In Judges Gideon doubts that God is speaking to him. When God tells Gideon that he will deliver the Israelites from the Midianites, he questions God about it twice. In Judges 6 Gideon asks God to perform a miracle to prove that it is really God speaking to him. When God performs the miracle, Gideon still doubts that God is speaking to him, and asks God to perform another miracle saying “Do not be angry with me. Let me make just more request.”

If you struggle with doubt, you are not alone. God helped all of the above characters to overcome their doubt, so that they could live out his purpose for their lives. You can trust that he will do the same for you. Remember that God is a patient God, and he wants to show you that he can trust him. God is the God of the impossible and miraculous. If God wants you to do something that seems impossible remember God can do all things, even the impossible. If you struggle with self-doubt remember that you don’t need to rely on your own capabilities. God will let his strengths shine through your weaknesses by empowering you to do things that you will only be able to do with him. If you struggle with any of the types of doubt described above, self-doubt, doubt in God, or doubt in hearing God, I encourage you to read over these bible studies. Prayerfully consider the stories. Ask God to teach you about his faith and his power through these stories. Ask God to reveal to you anything that may be causing you to doubt or any areas of your life you may be struggling with doubt. Journal anything you learn through studying these passages of scripture. For my next entry I will be delving further into doubt, by outlining some of the ways you can combat the doubt in your life. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Am I willing to let go of my net?

“Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19.

In the above verse Jesus commands Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew to follow him, so that they can be fishers of men. What fascinates me the most about this passage of scripture is the verse that follows Jesus’s commands.  

“At once they left their nets and followed him.” Matthew 4:20.

To get a deeper look into this verse let’s examine the scene that Matthew 4:18-20:

Peter and Andrew had come to the Sea of Galilee with their own plans and agendas in mind. They had come to fish. The bible says that they were fisherman; this suggests that fishing was something that they did on a daily basis or often. This makes me think of the things that I do on a daily basis? What are those things that define me? I wonder how difficult it may be for me to let go of the things that I do every day, those hobbies that are a part of my daily routine. I’m not saying that these hobbies are bad; I’m just posing the question would I be able to “leave my net” as Peter and Andrew did.

 The bible says that Paul and Andrew left their nets “at once.” It doesn't say that they took time to ponder if following Jesus was something they really wanted to do. They didn't stop to wonder about what they were leaving behind, as they put their nets down. They did not begin to worry about what would happen if they left their old lives behind to do what Jesus was asking them to do. They did not become fearful  or anxious about their future. They did not think about their own agendas and how they would prefer to fish for fish instead of men. They did not once stop to question what Jesus had commanded them to do. The verse simply says “At once they left their nets and followed him.”

As you think about these verses ask yourself. Is there something you know Jesus is asking you to do? Did you do like Paul and Andrew and obey Jesus at once or did you hesitate? Is there something that is holding you back from following God? What is holding you back?

As I was reading this verse the other day, I asked myself the same questions. I thought about some of the things that were holding me back from doing God’s will. Some of these things are probably some of the same things that hold you back, as well. Fear, insecurities, selfishness, not wanting to let go of control, stubbornness, and anxieties are all things that keep us from doing God’s will for our lives. I encourage you to really think about the things that are keeping you from obeying God. Ask God to help you recognize and release those things that are keeping you from doing his will.

For the next few blog entries I plan on exploring the things that keep us from doing God’s will. I will be writing on what the bible says about those hindrances, and how we can combat against them.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wondering where to visit during Christmas Season?

August is here and the Christmas season will be here before you know it. You may already be planning a family Christmas trip or wondering where to visit during the holiday season. Natchitoches , Louisiana is my favorite place to visit during the holiday season. During this time, Natchitoches Louisiana is packed with Christmas lights, fake snowflakes, and plenty of holiday spirit. The Festival of the Lights is a fun filled tradition that takes place every year during the Christmas season. The festival takes place along the bank of the Cane River. There are over 300,000 lights set up in Natchitoches and over 100 riverbank pieces. On certain nights there are fireworks and musical entertainment.

The festival of lights is the perfect place to take your children during the holiday season. They are sure to enjoy the Christmas light, the fake snowflakes, the horse carriage rides, and the opportunity to take photos with Santa.

Of course, Natchitoches has a lot of fun to offer adults as well. One of my favorite things about Natchitoches is the local shops and the friendliness of the people. Visiting Kaffie Frederick General Merchantile store is a must when visiting Natchitoches. This store is the oldest general mercantile store and will make you feel as though you are stepping back in time for a moment. In this store you can find hardware, housewares, cookware and kitchen supplies, and classic toys just like in the good old days.  Aside from this store, there are many gift shops in Natchitoches and you are sure to find the perfect holiday gift at these stores.
Another must see is the Fort Saint Jean Batiste State Historic Site. Here you will be able to explore history as this is a replica of the Fort Saint Jean Batiste Fort. On certain days this museum has live reenactments and this proves to be a fun an educational experience for children.

Another fun thing to do in Natchitoches is to tour the Steel Magnolia House. This house is packed with history. This house has involvement in the Civil War, was the filming site for the movie Steel Magnolias, and has unique architecture.

If you and your family decide to visit Natchitoches I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does, as I cannot wait until the next time we visit. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Making the Most of Life

“What is life? For you are a midst that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” James 4:14.
The word around us is a constant reminder of the brevity of life. The psalmist in Psalms 90:12 says “Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom” Even if you have never heard this verse, you already know it’s implications: our time here on Earth is limited. A recent unexpected death in my family really got me thinking about this: No one really knows how many more days we will be alive. As we plan for each day ahead of us, we always assume that we will have many more days to come, but we can never really be certain of this.  “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go such and such a town and spend a year their and trade and make a profit.’ Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What Is life? For you are a midst that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills we will live to do this or that.’ James 4:13-15.
As I pondered on the brevity of life this week, some questions came to my mind. I will pose these questions to you, and I encourage you to ponder on the answers.
If you knew that you only had two weeks to live how would you live your life differently? Would you spend less time worrying about money or bills or this or that? Would you spend a little less time in the office and more time with your family? How about of those times you were too busy for those you love? Would you spend more time with your loved ones? Would you offer your forgiveness to someone that you have been holding a grudge against? Would you ask someone who you hurt to forgive you? Would you tell the people you care about how much they mean to you? Would you make amends for the things you have done wrong? Would you spend less time being stressed out about things that are trivial? Would you get right with the Lord and ask him to forgive your sins? Would you be certain that you would be going to heaven? If you knew that you only had two weeks to live what would you spend you last days on Earth doing?
The truth is we do not really know if we have more than two weeks here on Earth. We do not even know if we have one more day. I urge you to ponder on these questions. Do not wait until tomorrow to do those things that you feel you need to do. Forgive that person who hurt you today. Make amends today. Tell that person you love them today. Spend time with the people you care about today.
When you were reading my questions did you answer that you did were not certain if you would be going to heaven? Did you answer that you wanted to get right with the Lord and ask him to forgive your sins? If you did I urge you to pray the following prayer.
“For we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
The bible says that we are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. The penalty of sin was death, but Jesus came to take that penalty so that we would live eternal life and have a relationship with God.
“For if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,  will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Romans 10:9-10
Prayer of Salvation
Jesus, I understand that you are the son of God, and that you died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins.
Please come into my life, forgive my sins, and make me a member of your family. I now turn away from going my own way. I want you to be the center of my life. Thank you for the gift of eternal life and for the Holy Spirit that has now come to live in me.

If you prayed that prayer today in your heart, you are a child of God. You are forgiven, and will spend eternity with God in heaven. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dealing With Worry

For the majority of my life I have struggled with worry and anxiety. If there is nothing to worry about I think I sometimes find something to worry about. This is something I believe God has been helping me with lately;  in the past month I have not felt extremely overwhelmed or anxious about anything. This is not to say that I do not have anything to worry about. ( I have plenty to worry about). But I am beginning to worry less and put things in God’s hands. I have been struggling with chronic stomach pains, but once the worrying slowed down, my stomach problems slowed down as well.

Reducing your worry and anxiety can have many benefits to your health, mood, and your state of mind. What are some ways to reduce worry and anxiety? Here are some that have worked for me.

Bring everything to prayer.” Be not anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Jesus Christ.” Philippians 4:6-7. Feeling worried about something? Bring it to God in prayer. It is impossible to be worried and pray at the same time.

Meditate on scripture.  These are a few you can meditate on. “When I am afraid I will trust in you.” Psalm 56:3 “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will not let the righteous fall.” Psalm 55:2. “Now may the Lord himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16.

Create a prayer Box: Decorate a box. The box can be anything from an old shoe box to a cigar box. You can decorate the box with sayings or images that will remind you not to worry. Every time you feel worried about something write down what you are worried about. Put it in the box as a symbol that you are giving this care or concern to God and you will not worry about it anymore.

Write in a prayer Journal: Write your prayers in a journal. Then you can go back and look through it and see that most of the things you worried about never came to pass.

Take care of yourself.  Exercise and get plenty of rest. If you take care of yourself you will be able to handle stress better.

Practice Relaxation Breathing Techniques. One way to do this is to breathe slowly in through your nose then out through your mouth. Repeat this for several minutes.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fun Exercise Alternatives

If you are anything like me you exercise because it's a necessity not something you enjoy.  Everyone knows that exercise is an excellent way to improve your mood and keep your body in shapes but let's face it, exercise can be boring.

Here are some fun exercise alternatives:

1) Rock climbing. There are many indoor rock climbing places. This is a fun full body work-out.
2) Karate. There are many karate schools offered at decent prices. I take karate and love it. It is an excellent full body work out and a great way to learn self-defense
3) Take a walk in your neighborhood.  Go for a jog in the park. This is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, pray, and listen to music, while getting a cardio workout.
4) Swim. Swimming is a fun alternative to working out. So swim some laps, tone your muscles, all while getting soaking up some sun and having fun.
5) Sports. Whether you like baseball, basketball, or tennis these are all great workouts. Grab some friends, head out to a park, and enjoy a great work out.
6) Dancing. Dancing is always fun and a great workout. You have the option of finding a dance class or dancing alone. Personally, I like dancing with the just dance games for the Wii
7) The Wii. The Wii offers sports, yoga, fitness, and dance game that are fun and will leave you sweating.
8) Play outside with a kid. Whether you play tag, hide and seek duck duck goose or dodge ball you will be worn out when you are done.
8) Jump on a trampoline. This is a great workout. If you don’t have a trampoline, there are individual trampolines with exercise DVDs included
9) Hula hooping. As a kid, this was one of my favorite activities.  I still remember how sore it left my abs afterwards. There are even weighted hula hoops available to make it even more challenging.
10) Bike riding. This Is a great workout and a great way to enjoy nature. Be sure to pack plenty of water because you are sure to sweat with this work-out.
Here are some alternatives:
11) Skating. This is personally one of my favorites even though I haven't gone in a while. Ice skating and rollerblading are both great workouts.